
In 96-97 Fall semester registration and add-drops, tracing of students who are obliged to the Library of METU, started as introductory application and will be used in the Spring semester. Students who are obliged to the Library will not be registrated. By considering this feature of registration program, we suggest all the students to pay their loan before registration. all the students to pay their loan before registration.

The VTLS VIRTUA-Web Gateway

The VTLS VIRTUA-Web Gateway is a software that makes METU Library's online catalog and other resources available to any Internet patron who has World Wide Web browser that supports HTML 3.0 tables. For example Netscape Navigator 1.22 or higher, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 2.0, or NCSA's Mosaic 2.0 support HTML 3.0 tables.

You can search METU Library's catalog by author, subject, title, call number, general keyword, and a user defined Z/search. The gateway offers three different levels of catalog searching: basic, advanced, and expert. An advanced search allows for Boolean, or word combination, searches. An expert search allows for search expressions as well as word combinations.

To use the VTLS VIRTUA-Web Gateway to METU Library, first connect to the WWW METU Home Page and then click WWW Gateway to METU Library. Hope you enjoy, and hope you can find what you search...

New Service from Computer Center


Computer Center has opened a proxy cache service to use the resources efficiently. Important part of our Network capacity is used in accessing of popular WWW services. For example, hundreds of people have been accessing same pages separately, causing transfer of same pages again and again for every people.

Proxy-cache will store a copy of those pages and won't get same page again until it will upgraded. There are two important advantages of Proxy-Cache:

For Netscape: Choose Network Preferences from Options menu and click Proxies tab. After choosing Manual Proxy Configuration, click View button a new dialog will be appear. In this dialog box type "" for HTTP proxy and "5580" forPort. After choosing OK buttons on dialog box, you can save this configuration using Save Options command on Options menu.

For Internet Explorer: Choose Options from View menu then Connections and Proxies in the given order. Type "" for HTTP and "5580" for Port. Choose OK buttons on the dialog boxes to close and save new configuration.

Source: Information Week 7 Oct 96 p89